Andreas Arlt
All-Time Favorites
CD DigipacCCD 11103
EAN 4014924111038
- Street Walkin' Woman
- It Hurts To Love Someone
- High-Low (Instrumental)
- I Wonder Why (Will My Woman Be Home Tonight)
- Shooty Booty
- You've Got Bad Intentions
- I Was Wrong I Played With Love
- She's The One
- It's You I Love
- I Want A Woman
- Shotgun Wedding
- Let's Start A Romance
- In The Evening (When The Sun Goes Down)
- Hoy Hoy
- Sno-Cone Part II (Instrumental)
ANDREAS ARLT – guitars
ANDREAS SOBCZYK – piano & organ
DANI GUGOLZ – upright & electric bass
TOM MÜLLER – tenor & baritone saxophones
Horn Arrangements by Tom Müller
Recorded at KOKA Studios, Vienna, AT
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Andreas Wingert
Produced by Andreas Arlt
Executive producer: Andreas Arlt
Twenty-two years ago, along with harmonica-playing and singing brother Michael, Andreas Arlt formed B.B. & The Blues Shacks, one of Europe's most successful, internationally touring blues bands. 2011 saw them perform at such prestigious festivals as the Byron Bay Bluesfest near Brisbane, Australia, the Doheny Blues Festival in the Los Angeles area, and the Dubai Jazz Festival in the Arabian desert.
With their CrossCut album releases, 'Unique Taste' (2008), and 'London Days' (2010), the B.B.s have established themselves as a leading force in melting blues and soul. For life-long fans of the band, there's not enough guitar on their recent albums. Now, with 'All-Time Favorites', his first solo project, Andreas is fulfilling his friend's demands for a traditional style of guitar playing. Furthermore, this solo album is allowing Andreas to introduce the music that originally inspired him to a larger audience, as blues remains a “… musical genre that still is without a lobby in mainstream culture.”
Early on, the Arlt brothers developed an interest in the blues. Andreas: “After I had studied the music of my heroes like Ronnie Earl, Anson Funderburgh, Jimmy Vaughan, or Junior Watson and Alex Schultz night after night, it occurred to me that these guys must have learned from somebody, somewhere. Thus I dug deeper and deeper into the blues, and I came across names like Lockwood, Tucker, Buddy Guy, the three Kings, and many swing and jump blues guitar players.”
'All-Time Favorites' neither delivers extensive guitar orgies, nor over-length soloing. Andreas is backed by a stellar group of players, and the album was recorded with a line-up similar to the band formats that originators like Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown, or Pee Wee Crayton used as early as in the late 1940s. 'All-Time Favorites' will be taking you on a moving, intoxicating, and fascinating musical journey through the world of blues, and r&b. You will hear tips to big names in blues history; but you will also discover material from rather unknown or even obscure recordings and guitar players that were long forgotten. The recordings, arranged by Andreas Arlt, and Tom Müller (horns), come with a contemporary, powerful and pleasant mix, and sound. Jazz and blues guitarist, Dave Specter from Chicago, has written the liner notes, and in the 16-page booklet Andreas is giving his personal comments to each and every track.
After working as a professional blues guitar player for more than twenty years, 'All-Time Favorites' represents Andreas Arlt's masterwork, “… an appreciation of (his) personal heroes, freshly packaged.”
Reviews CCD 11103 ANDREAS ARLT All-Time Favorites
“The quality of the recording is absolutely first rate and the players (…) are excellent. (…) to the point, no ‘showboating’ anywhere. If you enjoy well played, horn-driven rhythm and blues I am sure you will enjoy this CD which I can recommend most highly.”
John Mitchell
Andreas Arlt is best known as the guitarist in one of Europe’s top blues bands – BB & the Blues Shacks – (…). So it is a real pleasure to see him stepping out on his own on presenting some of his “All-Time Favorites” on what I can only describe as a highly impressive solo debut. (…) Loved it! Rating 9/9
Blues In Britain
Mick Rainsford
Da klingt die Liebe zur Musik. Diese Liebe fühlt sich ehrlich an, sie ist warm, sie ist pur. Understatement ist auch bei ihm die beste Angeberei. So sucht er lieber ganz feinsinnig den richtigen Lauf mit dem geeigneten Werkzeug aus und spielt ihn erst dann, wenn der Song ihn findet. So wie die Band ihn braucht, haucht Arlt dem Stück seine Seele ein – er istder Gitarrenflüsterer. Blues-Fans, Gitarren-Fetischisten sowie Anhänger ehrlicher und authentischer Live-Musik werden die Stücke dieser Platte mit Sicherheit in ihre ganz persönlichen Geschenk-Mixtapes einfließen lassen.
Andreas Kreichelt
(…) genügend Platz für das ausdrucksstarke Gitarrenspiel von Arlt bleibt, was den Hördurchlauf für jeden Bluesfan zu einem Fest macht.
inMusic #74
Bernd Lorcher
Kein plakatives Zurschaustellen, kein Posen, stattdessen immenses Einfühlungsvermögen. Stilistisch zwischen Big-Band-Blues, Texas Blues, Jump, R&B und Shuffle wandelnd, interpretiert Andreas Arlt zwar seine “Inspirationen”, macht die Sounds aber zu seinen eigenen. Nur die ganz Großen des Genres beherrschen diese Kunst.
Concerto #1
Dietmar Hoscher
Mit Songs von T-Bone Walker, B. B. oder Freddie Kiong und auch unbekannteren Künstlern gelang Andreas Arlt ein überzeugendes Album (…). Ob Groove, Produktion oder Songauswahl – bei diesem Soloalbum des Blues-Shacks-Gitarristen stimmt einfach alles (…).
bluesnews #67
Hier wird miteinander musiziert, niemand spielt sich auf oder gar in den Vordergrund, alles wirkt rund, ist im Fluß, feiert die Originale – und ist diesen ebenbürtig. Der Rezensent zählt diese prächtige und stolze Platte schon jetzt zu seinen “All-Time Favorites”.
Folker! #1
Achim Hennes
(…) this is no egotisticaliguitar-fest but rather an affectionate, fun and very pleasing tribute to his forebears such as Guitar Slim, T-Bone Walker, Goree Carter, Freddie King, Albert Collins and others less wellknown. He has a crack band of musiclans in support too, making this an “album of the year” contender for me!
Blues Matters Magazine
Norman Darwen
Im Gegensatz zu seiner etatmäßigen Band B.B. & The Blues Shacks nimmt er sich hier viele Freiheiten, interpretiert und gestaltet seine persönlichen Favoriten, wie es ihm passt. Spaß ist dabei garantiert.
Karl Leitner